A good doctor or cannabinoid, how did Mike Robinson fight cancer?
Since speaking with Uprooted Concepts, Robinson, who self-administered plant compounds, including macro cannabinoid doses, underwent new tes
Since speaking with Uprooted Concepts, Robinson, who self-administered plant compounds, including macro cannabinoid doses, underwent new tes
CBG ultimately liberates killer T cells, which can increase the effectiveness of PD-1 blockers and other anti-cancer drugs.
But overactive orexin converts the endocannabinoid into one paricular metabolite known as 2-AGp.Â
An abundant and essential chemical, however, turns poorly packaged CBD into likewise purple compounds, according to recent experiments.
And out of the three proteins, endocannabinoid release requires either gamma and beta together or alpha-synuclein by itself.
New research looking at sex and age, published by Cambridge’s Psychological Medicine, omits genes that correlate cannabis use and psychosis.
Weizmann Institute found CBGp and other rare cannabinoids in the same perennial shrubs, informally known as the woolly umbrella.
Effects might cancel each other out, which might explain why it takes such a large dose of CBD to protect the endocannabinoid system.
And a new National Institute of Health (NIH) study discusses how one transmitter in the ECS — anandamide — helps maintain balance and regrow
They identified seven mechanisms that the cannabinoid, CBC, depends on to protect and regenerate the nervous system.
Researchers, clinicians, and journalists often overlook sodium channels, which induce electrical activity during epilepsy and pain.
The life saving medicine found him and began a journey that culminated in the adoption of a family with daughters, Genevieve and Sydney.
A new discovery connects the cannabinoid 1 receptor with a different receptor that, in part, controls dopamine during Parkinson’s Disease.
Mike Robinson, a compassion provider who kicked Stage IV cancer with a heavy cannabinoid regime, found himself kicked off social media.
The theory suggests that CBD relies on deactivating a receptor known as GPR55 to treat epilepsy and seizure related illnesses.
A new study assessed CBD and CBG as antibiotics and further tested their safety for the skin’s microbiome.
And researchers found more rare THC varieties and terps in outdoor, sungrown cannabis compared to commercial, indoor production.
CBD was found to increase the bioavailability of nicotine by delaying its metabolism, which in turn may reduce cigarette consumption
Cannabinoid medicines might apply to several other diseases if THC can gently inhibit this newly discovered critical cancer function.