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Does CBG affect this anti-cancer drug?

CBG ultimately liberates killer T cells, which can increase the effectiveness of PD-1 blockers and other anti-cancer drugs.

How does obesity affect this endocannabinoid?

But overactive orexin converts the endocannabinoid into one paricular metabolite known as 2-AGp. 

Does CBD protect the human endocannabinoid system?

Effects might cancel each other out, which might explain why it takes such a large dose of CBD to protect the endocannabinoid system.

How anandamide helps regrow liver cells, NIH study

And a new National Institute of Health (NIH) study discusses how one transmitter in the ECS — anandamide — helps maintain balance and regrow

New THC function targets a critical enzyme

Cannabinoid medicines might apply to several other diseases if THC can gently inhibit this newly discovered critical cancer function.

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